Tell me do you want protection? Or can you handle life yourself?

Do you want protection? Or can you handle life yourself? Dependence on others to protect you in the face of adversity and conflict? Or a resilient belief and responsibility that one can handle whatever is thrown their way?


When you are protected you are placing your faith and wellbeing in the hands of others, whilst still remaining unconfident in oneself. If all trials in your life are answered with retreat and comfort will anything ever truly be accomplished? Seeking protection lies in dependency, dependence to have problems repelled or resolved by another. What’s going to do you more good? Proving to everyone that you are a magnificent worker, or to have everyone tell you you are while knowing full well you’re not. What’s better for a relationship? Being a loving partner or being told you are being a loving partner when your spouse isn’t feeling any form of appreciation? This is protection in action. When you are continuously protecting another from having their feelings hurt, are you really protecting their feelings from being hurt or are you just preventing them from learning to make a stand for themselves.

Handle life yourself

Can you handle life yourself asks the question, can you face struggles, challenges and conflict on your own terms? Someone calls you bad at football, is it someone stepping in and saying “nah you’re alright son,” every time what you want? Or can you handle it yourself, choosing banter, improvement or to believe in oneself. Is protection reassurance or weakness? Can you reassure while still allowing one to fight for themselves? Everyone is on their own journey they are able to handle things themselves if they set their mind to it instead of being protected from it, and overall this allows more fulfilment within each other’s lives. Stand and face your challenges, they are yours to conquer, not be protected from. Each fear triumphed, every hardship met with a trouncing blow, all challenges faced and conquered will only promote in you as an individual more prestige and fortune in both mind and nature. Fight the dragons of life, that is what it means to be living.


Two-minute Rule


Paradox of Choice