Narratives are those thoughts we delve into, the stories tell ourselves about a situation which our mind claims to be truth, yet is all based on assumption. When we weave together fairytails or horror stories as scenarios which run on repeat in our heads. The illusions we play, the contemplations we fall into, we are the writer, our psyche the pen, scripting a narrative for us to indulge in.
Narratives as stories we tell ourselves. When we induce the thought that our missus is about to break up with us, and we delve into the reasons why, this is a narrative. Narratives are generally assumptions, meaning we assume a story based on little evidence, then conclude that story to be true. When negative narratives are formed we expand, delving deeper and deeper into gut squabbling thought till truth becomes dissolved to the countless narratives we have formed. We become increasingly confused and fearful, and in attempt to figure out this illusive thought we only continue to create further narratives, which may try explaining why we are feeling this way, blaming someone else for our behavior, lost, and delving deeper into the suffering, cause then we have a reason for all this stupidity, cause there is a problem to be solved, and the fuel built upon false narratives is what we think is going to solve it. Picture a narrative as little movies we play in our minds, we could play out a date going beautifully or picture it going horribly wrong then we tend to play into this depiction, encompassing a demeanor prior to an event. We could write the narrative that someone doesn’t like us, cause of this reason or that without ever having proof, yet with these countless conclusions formed from thought, truth becomes buried in made up narrative, then this narrative builds and builds until we believe in false assumption without a glimpse of doubt.
Energies / Frequencies
Do you find it strange that when you are thinking a certain way about things, someone else is delving into the same or similar frequency of thought. When we encompass negative narratives, that energy is portrayed through us, we conform to the beliefs we are writing in our heads and our aura and demeanor plays into the illusive thoughts we have told ourselves. When we tell ourselves we are being treated unfairly by someone, it starts small and is usually and honest and fair assessment of how we are being treated and what we are experiencing. Though, that flame is lit and this is where the narratives begin, expanding upon the thought of being treated unfairly we think up other moments or event which caused us a similar feeling, we delve further and further writing narratives that we are the pinnacle of existence and this other person is our demise, and a wallop of resentment is built. Good job, you have just attained yourself a horrible frequency, and an ego devolved in self-pity and false righteousness. This energy when approaching this person becomes aggressive and is felt by the other individual, they then conform to the same negative frequency and bam, an explosive argument with no resolution, the two of you will have some time apart and more narratives will be built, resentment increased. When we write narratives in our minds, we build an energy around them, we write a story in our minds that we love an individual or hate them, then conform to this belief, releasing the aura which encompasses it, a lovely aura or a hateful one, so if you wish for more positive relationships or better mental health, stick to the positive or recognize and steer away from assumption all together. Be present, stick to the facts, and do not overlook appreciative aspects of other individuals when caught on false narratives running in your head.
Stop the narratives. If you are not sure if something is true or not, then ask, that simple. We feel as though asking makes us look silly, but clarity or reassurance is the smartest outcome rather than delving into the false narratives we form in our head. We can become confused, angry, anxious, telling ourselves things are this way or that, assuming the worst, or we could simply ask the other individual before things spin absurdly out of control. We form clarity through truth, and we prevent ourselves conforming to the narratives we make up. Another way to become more clear minded is to recognize narratives and live presently rather than in our heads. If we continue to dive into narratives, the stories we form become ridiculous and fueled with emotion, if we take a step back from narratives and rather take a step into the moment without this clung to belief then most problems dissipate, the one we thought was breaking up with us becomes a person we care for rather than one that we fear and resent, the individual we thought hated us becomes another person to speak naturally to, and yes if we still face confusion, just ask and with an answer we gain clarity, we can understand, at least we are not playing around with heated emotion and false assumption, rather we play with honesty and if there is a problem it can be resolved from genuine thought rather than dark perspective. Think about the concept of narratives, and notice when you are writing your own, stories based on assumption, not truth, our mind likes to play tricks for us to play into, so recognize and develop further autonomy within the self.