Meaning or No Meaning

Meaning or No Meaning

Does everything have meaning, or does nothing have meaning? Are we in this world alone or are we some planned reality, contributing to some form of higher order or purpose.

Is it the gods which rules us? Some universal concept which all adds to the infinite key which proves the ultimate philosophy for living in perfect alignment with the universe? Does everything we do, say, how we act and when we mistreat, does all of it truly mean anything to the eternal source which may greet us after death? This seems to be the foresight of most religious proficies, do good in life and you will be rewarded in death. Is there true meaning in everything or do humans create meaning out of everything? In the creation of meaning purpose is provided, is this what people truly seek? Something to live for, something to strive toward so that we may form in the perception of our own mind that we are the higher good. Is it possible that in the common fear of death we attempt to pursue a way around it? Eternal life, a higher power, is there something watching over us, some universal law, does everything have meaning, or nothing at all?


If there is meaning in this universe then purpose is already supplied. Though, what purpose? This is where universal laws come into play, which people have been forming meaning around since the beginning of time. If certain aspects or tasks provide a deeper sense of fulfillment or rightdoing within the soul of an individual, then should this not have meaning? Why is good and evil a thing? Some say this is a man-made concept, what is good and evil? Though inherently our heart tells us the difference between right and wrong. We feel a great sense of satisfaction when we show compassion towards others and compassion is received, our wellbeing is improved, life is improved. Though if we navigate the world with resentment towards others we will discover resentment within ourselves, the world becomes bitter, your wellbeing is deteriorating. Is this not some form of meaning? Why is the right way to live and the wrong way to live felt within us, goodness provides wellness to you and all those around you, while wrongdoing tends to impact negatively upon oneself and their community. Religion and philosophy follow these laws, most understanding the dynamics to what provides a healthy life worth pursuing. Religion provides purpose, a correct way of being which followed correctly benefits oneself and those around them. If a higher power rules and watches over us then living in accordance with nature, or what feels like the ultimate good, would seem like the course to enlightenment. As for our time on earth contributes healthily to the development and wellbeing of gods creation, this is why religion prophesises judgement after death; was your life of benefit or of liability to all which participated in it? There are also theories of the whole universe being an equation to solve through physics, sound, cosmology, mathematics, through understanding more and more of the universe as time goes on will we ever find an end all resolution to this thing called life and the overall purpose in it? In any sense meaning gives purpose, purpose provides something to strive for. It is good to have meaning it allows us a sense of importance and inner motive to achieve great feats through the use of the little godly power provided within us.

No Meaning

What of the possibility of no meaning? What if we are just born here from some chemical combination altered randomly by the universe? No god, no ultimate power, just atoms fuddling amongst a world of other atoms. Is it possible we create meaning to fill the void of knowing absolutely nothing about what is going on? It is much easier to live by a rule book which says, “this is life, and this is the way to live it, oh and if you live it in accordance to this book you have eternal life too; wink wink.” Much easier than to navigate unknowingly, no meaning, no purpose, just us on a dirt covered planet free to do whatever, not like it matters anyway. Maybe it’s not so simple, or maybe it is, though even if there is no meaning is it not better to still create it? What is life without purpose, if you care for nothing, believe in nothing, and take on the mindset that nothing matters so nothing shall be done, then it is kind of a waste of the life we are still blessed with. Even atheists state that if there is no meaning then you are still doing yourself an injustice by not living a purposeful life which provides meaning in and of itself to oneself and all those around you. Maybe meaning isn’t derived by something above us but instead by something within.

We create meaning and provide ourselves purpose, if this is enough to live a full life then what does it matter if there is meaning or not. Live in accordance with what feels right and benefits positively to oneself and those around them. You are here whether a higher power spawned us or not so we may as well live a full life and whatever happens after is to experience in due time when it comes. Maybe all who have passed away have obtained all the knowledge in the universe, or maybe eternal sleep in dark abyss is where our soul may one day lay, who knows, we are only human, what we do know is we are here now and we have some sort of clue as to what we can achieve and our limitless potential, so smash it, enjoy your life, whether in the great scheme of things it matters or it does not.


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