Little Advantages

Little Advantages

Little habits undertook with little time and little effort, resulting in great contribution towards the prospects one hopes for in life. Little advantages shines light upon how the little tasks we perform and accomplish can have drastic affect upon one’s life.

With the course of time all microscopic tasks we complete add to a domain of expertise when combined together. A chapter of a book read each day is twenty books in a year, a world of knowledge through one easy relaxing task, profiting you for a lifetime.

If you’re sitting at a desk every day, give thirty push ups every thirty minutes a go. A simple task, which isn’t too difficult to undertake yet with a five-hour session of work, games or whatever you choose to do, you have also completed a full chest and arms workout, one push up every minute adding to a total of 300 reps. You can only imagine how this adaptation manifests. Picture one week of this little advantage every time you sit down at your desk, now picture a couple months or even a year and this little task alone allows you the core strength of someone packing hours in the gym for the same extended period of time. Add sit ups, dumbbells, pull ups, anything, it is a little advantage, something which although a fairly easy task to accomplish will get you stronger and in shape at times where you would usually be gaining nothing.

Strength is not the only domain you can achieve difference using little advantages. Any skill you wish to learn or development, just try adding mini ways of incorporating it throughout your day. Incorporate it in a way that doesn’t interfere with your already set day to day plans but rather encompasses it. If you are playing games, add some sit ups between queue times, if reading a book do a lil two-minute jog between each chapter. A little advantage is meant to be that pinnacle of extra effort, which over time stems massive results contributing to your success. Gym is easy cause it can be done anywhere, anytime, you can literally squeeze your hand tight and you’re already increasing forearm strength. If you are trying to incorporate writing, meditation, learning new topics or languages or anything else, then it does not have to take a chunk out of your day. Do a couple minutes here and a few more minutes there, align it with a completed task or with a period of time, every hour or every paragraph complete we will dedicate a couple minutes to the talent we wish to specialise in or improve upon over the upcoming years. A language learned in small increments is a couple words a day and a whole vocabulary over a couple years, jogging two minutes straight now is 15 minutes straight later, one verse learnt on piano at a time results in a magnitude of playable songs later. Small efforts contribute great change when time is added to the equation, begin with small incremental learning, and see the positive affect it has on ones lifestyle.

Focused learning

There is also a technique called focused learning which also contributes to little advantages. Focused learning involves dedicating yourself to learning a specific aspect of the task you are undertaking. You can punch a boxing bag for years, but until you dedicate the time to focus specifically on footwork or technique in throwing punches then you will never be truly proficient. Top athletes focus on form and technique for years on end. What, in the job you are currently undertaking could you specifically focus on for a day or a week, with the focus of learning and improving in the task while giving it your undivided attention, every minor detail. Any skill you wish to improve, take the time to learn specific aspects of it at a time instead of all of it at once. Dedicate a week to purely playing chords on the piano, pinpoint one area to improve on in the sport you play and focus solely on it for a few training sessions till it is understood, then look for the next skill to focus on. Most of the actions we perform are almost autopilot once we somewhat know what we are doing. Turn yourself off autopilot every once and a while and you’ll begin to realize that every aspect of life you are currently undertaking can be improved upon with a little more focus on actually learning and paying attention to that which you could improve upon.

With the effect of little advantages and focused learning the two can be combined for a truly effective advantage towards what you wish to achieve in life. An incremental step, faced with the specific part of a skill you wish to develop is the key to positive change. Want to learn to jab, then 10 jabs every 10 minutes, want to learn to read at a faster pace than test yourself with a paragraph every half hour or so, the key is to begin in small increments, focus on what you wish to improve and develop that skill with each little step over the course of time.


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