Be polite, to be polite is to form natural compassion and good will towards others, while maintaining a peaceful, respectful demeanour oneself. Polite is to encourage respectful, well-mannered, courteous behaviour. It is to display a refined sense of civility through action, speech and behaviour. A safe trait regardless of interaction, which provides a flexible basis for understanding the environment before stemming into all other quirky characteristics.
Politeness provides an internal effect within the individual making use of it. When you tell yourself, “be polite,” then put it into practise, the first thing you will notice is an increased compassion towards those whom you are being genuinely polite towards. It is as though you grant an instant likability towards someone you just met as to be polite means to listen, to empathise, to respect, to be kind, it is an action that you are pursuing for another individual so that they may feel welcomed and comfortable in the interaction being participated in. It is stated in many philosophies and religions, doing something for the wellbeing of someone else is a keystone of fulfillment. Even if it is just kindness and well natured politeness to bring up another’s day we are contributing positively to the world in which we live. We decide to be polite, and our own selfish endeavours are rid to the waste. We are not going to antagonise or misdemean someone if our intent is to be polite, and we are not going to angrily strike down an individual if they attempt to antagonize, because we are polite, civil, a whirlpool of uncontrolled emotional outlashes and reactions goes against the nature of holding a compassionate regard for each and every individual. This is a natural transformation when you encourage within yourself the intent to be polite, a manifestation internally within oneself a kinder outlook and nature with the ability to look after others, love a little more, and a sense of composure and compassion within oneself and all interaction you make.
Output is the external effects of taking part in politeness. As a polite individual you will be regarded as reassuring and a comfort to be around, therefore lighting the way to more trusted conversations with others. When politeness is given, politeness is generally received, as how often is someone going to assault someone who is genuinely looking out for their best interests. With such an individualistic western culture, individuals regarded to with politeness tend to appreciate the gesture, it gives them a reassured sense of self and they will return the favour as a mutual respect. It is like someone who yells is more likely to be yelled at in return, it is the same is for all outputs, including politeness. Why are we polite in job interviews? Because we wish to gain their favour. So it is known within us that to be polite is to elicit the favour of others, that is a benefit worthwhile. Obviously we do not need the favour of everyone nor will we receive it, but if the simple act of being polite increases the likelihood of someone appreciating us therefore increasing our likeability and understanding of them, then that is a humane connection, one which will be further built upon. For wellbeing and understanding of life and the people in it, these mutual connections should not be overlooked, they are an inherent drive for individuals which prosper growth and connectedness. Not only does politeness affect our internal state, but also greatly influences our external setting. The perspective of us and our perspective of all those which accompany us in our journey through life.
Politeness fills a room with ease, a diverse trait which can be accomplished with all people, in all situations, making it an easy trait to resort to. It is one of the most accessible characteristics, as to be polite is suitable for just about any situation. When in the company of a whirlpool of unmet individuals, just be polite, observe, and branch out when comfortable. You navigate the environment from a perspective many people appreciate, and internally you appreciate, therefore allowing one to be more open to the environment and the environment to be more open to them. You are present, as to be polite means to take in what others have to say, you are looking out for others rather than having constant thought about oneself, a root of anxiety, cause you have rooted within yourself the intent to be polite, that intent alone allows for a way to navigate environments in a way which can make them blossom. A genuine compassion for others is formed, and compassion by others towards you is followed, a mutual respect for each other, as the auras vibrate to the same frequency. If ever not sure what to do, how to act, feeling antisocial or out of touch, just be polite, this trait works for you and for others, all it takes is a mindset to encompass it.