People are People
People are People
People are people, it’s not that complicated, understand this when navigating the social world and fear dissipates, empathy emerges, and every person becomes a navigable human being. Why? Because they are understood as they too are people just as you or I.
All People
People are people means to see each individual for their true stature, a person. Whether this person represents an abundance of money or no money, a position of high authority or no authority, a straight individual or a gay one, someone who is happy or is sad, dark skinned or white, whomever an individual may be we are all human, we are all people, with consciousness just as our own, feelings just as our own, and tend to want to be happy just as we like to be happy. When we see people as people, without all the opinions and labels we feel so righteous for attaching to them, they become people, and we treat them on an even playing field, we are a person, they are a person. We do not need to be so firm in our beliefs which ridicule others.
People are people elicits a form of ease of mind when engaging with people of all domains of life. When in an interview, that interviewee is a person, so speak to them as a person, there is no need to pedestal particular individuals, acting in a different light depending on who you engage with. Sometimes with our bosses we feel intimidated or engulf a need to appease them, well they are people, like you or I, see them as a person, engage them as a person. Once we are adults we are on an equal playing field, we all have something to learn and something to teach, do not discourage yourself or others based on perceptions you have already conformed to. If we perceive someone as a lesser individual before we even know them, then in our interaction we will treat them differently. It is the same for someone classed as a celebrity, in interaction one will treat them different, though they are just another person, something to teach, something to learn, just like anyone else. Sometimes it is best to see people as people, there is no higher or lower, this has all been formed in our head or through society, an assumption. When you see a person for the person they are without these preconceived ideas, this is where true understanding of that individual will happen.
With this new perspective of understanding purely people as people rather than the façade or image you portray of them, you will navigate each individual with a more genuine, strong, nature. This occurs due to allowing the ability to actually be with the person for who and where they are now, rather than being with the preconceived idea of a person. It is as though you put the mask on for them, then you treat them based on this belief in your head, rather be with reality, in the moment person to person, see them where they stand as they stand now so that they may see you. From this place a divine understanding will sprout, you will acknowledge their human nature as a part of your own and you will encompass them with honesty and compassion. Simply from seeing through the thoughts we place on others we allow ourselves to approach authentically, person to person, we are all people, encompass the ability to care for, accept and look after one another.